Thursday, November 8, 2007


Wow, I think this semester is going by super fast now kinda haha. Life's still busy as ever, and homework every night, studying every night, projects every other day! Its crazyy haha. So I went
to the UofC open house last weekend, and wow haha. I saw so much, and it was pretty darn amazing. I got so much information from like every single booth from the 2 1/2 hours we were in
there! I thought it kinda helped me but Im still pretty lost on it. Hopefully something will pop up and I'll be like wow I want to do that for the rest opf my life haha. I guess the main thing right now is focusing on my classes right now, and needing to bring my marks up. For the past month I've been trying to drop spanish because I dont like it anymore and I want to focus on my 3 main course subjects, not a language. My teacher and guidance counsellor won't let me drop it so Im there till end of February... haha mann.

Well besides school, life has been pretty chillin haha. 3 day weekend and Christmas is coming soon! haha. Oh christmas break =D, Im so excited. Oh and the christmas play at church, rehearsals galore too, Im defs excited for that. I feel so happy haha cause Im actually not doing homework or anything right now, so Im pretty relaxed right now=). wow... whats there to say. Im content with life.

Life with God has been good too. I'm still doing devotions and all the good stuff haha. Junior church, sunday school has been super amazing. I feel so proud I can help other people in Junior church. Yah I know its weird in a way because I still remember my Junior church days and I look back at all my old memory verses and crafts we did. I just want to have that passion to teach it and same with everyone else doing it too. I want to be dedicated in doing it and hopefully all the best. I love churchh haha.

Lifes been good, family's good. Im pretty much good to go ;).

1 comment:

Leo said...

I'm happy to hear that you have a passion for Junior Church!

I'm sure you'll find a good major at U of C. Just have to dig deeper. I didn't really know what to go into. I just picked something because my friends were going into it (I wouldn't recommend that! haha)